Thanks to NordPass for sponsoring today's video. Take control of your passwords! Visit to take advantage of their best offers, risk free for 30-days! Grab yourself a Pint Glass at I'm no stranger to odd keyboards, whether it be unique layouts, cramped netbooks, iPad touchscreens, I've daily driven them all. Which is why I'm so frustrated by the XPLUS VickyBoard and its Alice layout... it combines the split-design of an ergonomic keyboard, but compromises it in every way with wild key spacing and aligned columns. Not all split keyboards are terrible to use... just this one. But first... What am I drinking??? Level Beer (Portland, OR) Game On IPA Check out the XPLUS VickyBoard here: Follow me on Mastodon Support me on Patreon and get access to my exclusive Discord server. Chat with myself and the other hosts on Talking Heads all week long.